Been There Done That

Have you been there? You know that place in life in which nothing makes sense, nothing seems to work, everything seems to be falling apart, and heaven is silent? If you are not there now, chances are you have been there or may visit there in the future. It seems that this place, often called the wilderness, is part of everyone’s life cycle. That does not mean that the wilderness is welcomed or desired rather, more the opposite.

Wandering through the life wilderness does not mean that God has vanished or that all is lost. Good things come from wilderness experiences. For example, it was in the wilderness that Moses met God (Exodus 3). It was in the wilderness that the children of Israel experienced God’s provision (Exodus 16). It was in the wilderness that Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations (Luke 4).

Nothing is lost in the life wilderness; rather, life’s wilderness is a place from which you can emerge stronger, wiser, and full of God’s Spirit (Luke 14:4). Do not allow the spiritual aridness of the wilderness to breed doubt, to cause feelings of God-forsakenness, or to hinder diligent determination. You are not alone in the life wilderness. It is a been there done that place. Instead, hold fast to what is true. God exists and he promised never to leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 11:6; 13:5). Knowing the truth about the wilderness will enable you to emerge victorious!

Hang in there!
Pastor Gary

Faith and Patience

Quick fixes. From quick weight loss to 10-minute oil changes, our culture demands quick fixes. With a drive through lifestyle, many consider waiting for anything an inconvenience. Such impatience often bleeds into the attitude of people who are praying and believing God for a need in their life. In this microwave culture, people often regard God as uncaring or inattentive when their prayers seemingly go unanswered. Others, such as Job’s comforters charge that those who do not immediately possess God’s promises must have weak faith or even worse, sin in their life. However, the two virtues required for inheriting God’s promises are faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12).
The writer of Hebrews provided a definition of faith as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). However, faith is not the quick fix of the Christian life. Certainly, the Bible contains stories of Jesus healing many people with his touch. However, often overlooked is the life of those people as they waited a lifetime for Jesus to come their way.
The balance of faith is patience. In fact, patience is a demonstration of faith as patience enables opportunity for God to demonstrate his power to those who couple faith with patience. For as faith and patience unite, people learn God’s life lessons and learn to trust God. As people unite faith and patience, God renews their strength so that their spirits soar like eagles and they are able to run the race of faith without growing weary (Isaiah 40:31). The coupling of faith with patience is the key to achieving God’s inheritance (Hebrews 6:12).
Have faith and patience.
Pastor Gary

Take a Mulligan

I like to play at golf. Note playing at golf and playing golf are two different things. I determine a good golf game by the number of balls I lose. One of the things I learned early in my golf experience was the mulligan. A mulligan is a do-over. For hackers like me, a mulligan is a friend. Slice the ball off the drive into the trees. Take a mulligan. Hit the ball into the water. Go ahead and take a mulligan. Who’s counting anyway?

Like golf, sometimes in life, we need a do-over. The good news is that God offers mulligans. Words and deeds often result in life’s slices, hooks, worm-burners, and triple bogies. John wrote, “If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This is not to suggest that God expects us to live a life dependent upon mulligans. God expects us to learn from our mistakes, correct those mistakes, and move forward. However, when necessary, follow John’s directives, confess your sins to God, and receive his forgiveness. Oh, by the way, if you take mulligans, it is only proper that you give mulligans to those around you.

Play a good game this week. If necessary, take and give a mulligan.
Pastor Gary

word from pastor – untold stories

A favorite story recorded in the Bible is the account of Jesus walking on the water. However, someone else walked on the water that day with Jesus. Peter, the rush-into-everything, foot-in-the-mouth Apostle, did what no other regular guy had done before or since that time! He walked on the water with Jesus!

Imagine what might have gone through Peter’s mind as he stood on the edge of that boat and looked at the water. As he sat on the bow of the boat, he may have had second thoughts. Perhaps he remembered Jesus’ admonition the last time they were in the boat and were fearful because of the storm. Regardless, Peter pushed himself over the side and stood on the water! It held him up and he began walking out to meet Jesus!

Peter was not the only disciple in the boat that day. In fact, the Bible makes it clear all of the disciples were in the boat (Matthew 14:22). All of the disciples saw Jesus. All of the disciples heard Jesus invitation to “Come.” Thus, the other disciples had the same opportunity to walk on the water as Peter. However, theirs is the untold story. Theirs is an untold story because they did not take a step of faith and experience a life-changing event. They missed the opportunity to tell others how they walked on the water with Jesus.

Like the disciples on the boat that day, many people fail to seize the daily opportunities to step out in faith and walk on the water with Jesus. How many untold stories exist because believers did not take steps of faith to witness, to pray, to give, or to love? Jesus desires for all to step over the side of the boat and live in such a way that faith stories explode out of a growing and dynamic relationship with him! Let the day of untold stories end and let a new day of faith stories begin! Walk on the water with Jesus!

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